In a hotel in Scotland, four friends were here on a weekend; this castle is now Fiona uncle.

In the room was a picture, "Mr. McCoy" is a serious man, his face was white and looks angry and had three wives.

Photo below was a sword. The story says he died in the room near the living room; no one sleeps here, for fear of seeing a ghost.

Gordon does not believe in the spirit, and others say, why not sleep in the room that Mr. McCoy died. And Gordon agrees.

Meanwhile, Fiona Duncan and the plan to scare the middle of the night, Gordon and all go to sleep.

Gordon entered the room and the bed is dark and quiet, but the bed is nice and sleeps thinking of Mr. McCoy

He wakes up several times through dreams and feels strange noises, he sees a key in the door that moves and feels that something moves his feet and goes up by their legs.

As you get out of bed and the room and found his companions outside and think you're making a joke but everyone is just scared that.

Then go to the room and not the sword and the painting of Mr. McCoy is no longer serious, now he is smiling.


Strange Messages

Anna is a girl, she dreams of being an astronaut, but his parents want him to be a doctor.

The only people who know about their dreams is Uncle Bob, and give an old computer to do homework.

At night the unit turns on and a woman appears with messages that motivate some to be an astronaut.

One night, she decides to tell his parents, his father said that after the TV show will be on NASA, she comes and sees the picture of a woman who was an astronaut and he died 10 years ago and was the which appeared on his computer every night.

Decides not to tell his father and goes to sleep for several nights and wait for the computer is turned on but nothing happens.

Receive an invitation to study at a school for astronauts and then decides to tell his parents in the company of his uncle of his dreams and all the support.

Finally going to this school and always thanked the Uncle Bob's computer that gift.


Foot prints in the snow

The story is about a family living near the mountains of New Zealand.

In this living father, mother, Sally, Harry and his grandmother, she always speaks of the grandfather and great storytelling.

She said he always be there. She knows he is there because in the winter in the ground, the tracks sometimes appear are George because he had big feet.

One morning, when Sally goes to the kitchen to prepare breakfast and the fridge was open and the food is old and smelly.

The mother says, is not possible because she put the food the night before. Sally says mom and dad at night outside your bedroom Richard, they hear noises. When they all go to his room, the team was on the floor and books everywhere.

The father called police, but when it comes, say there were no bad people in the mountains.

After two normal nights, the third time noises heard on the radio and all thinking about ghosts.

This night hear the same noises, all people go out the rooms and go the living room, but no one is there. The door to the garden is open and the picture is on the floor.

They view someone´s in the garden and in this moment all people go out to the house. The lights turn off and the ground began to move, it was an earthquake. Then all is silence and we have seen how the house will fall before our eyes.

Great say, well we lost the house, but we're alive. And now everyone saw the footprints in the land of snow.

And I just only said: thanks for helping us.

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