NAME:  Jorge Omar García Rodriguez
Group:  23
Level:    2

GOAL 1: 
Use direct strategies that have more relevance in my context to enhance learning of English

  1. Memory:  Use action: Using physical responses, using mechanical techniques         
  2. Cognitive:
    • Practice: 
    • Naturally Practice,  
    • Receive Send mesages:  
    • Take the idea quickly from a small paragraph written or spoken
    •  and use resources to send and receive Messages
    • Analyze and reason: Analyze contrasting  languages and translate.
  3. Compenstion: Get help and Using mime or gesture

  1. Memory: No results and no products
  2. Cognitive: 
    • Greetings and conversations suggest people who know English, facilitating the use of language in everyday life.
    • Understanding the main idea of ​​English spoken asides that are located at: The Metro, the BBC News at 6:30 am, the interviews in English they do in the W radio
  3. Compenstion:
    • Talks aim to dominate the English people for clarification.
    • Use gestures to explain what can not be said in English
  • Strategies to memorize vocabulary and other structures have not worked.
  • Every time I hear something in English on the radio, I understand more ...
  • The English speaking people around me understand more and more...

Using indirect strategies can be incorporated into daily activities to facilitate the practice of English

  1. Metacognitive:
    • Learning Center
    • Providing an overview of already known material and pay attention
    • Organize and plan learning: Generate goals, objectives and identify the purpose of a task.
    • Assessing learning: self-monitoring
    1. Affective:
      • Take the emotional temperature: a journal of language learning
    2. Social:
      • Ask questions:
      •  Seek clarification or verify and ask for correction
      • Cooperate with others: Cooperate with peers

    1. Metacognitive: 
        • Develop an activity having the material in advance facilitates the practice of the language.
          • Pay attention in class is very important to clarify questions that arise in the process.
            • My goal is to reach a person's communication skills at level A2.
              • Consider the intent of the tasks development favors in it.
                • continually review the progress and difficulties that arise to strengthen what is needed.
              1. Affective: Agenda in which I write what I study, work and find that I can serve the process of learning English
              2. Social:
                • submit a blog everything produced in the process of learning the English language my partner to be reviewed and corrected
                • Share blog to provide feedback to peers
                • Build a virtual community where you can access productions write peers and the history of this process together.
                • The material with which the process developing a learner of English is organized
                • I have a clear goal of this level, allowing me to move forward with focus
                • People who are around me and know English are very important to practice
                • Creating a virtual network to share the productions made by teachers who learn English can have the history of this process